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Mobility, Balance & Stretch

Taylor Made Fitness Training was created to make fitness available to everybody. Whether you have balance and mobility issues due to arthritis, hypermobility, or chronic disorders, I can help you regain motion and build strength to help you improve daily living activities. 



In Person £17.50 per session or £130 for 8 Sessions

Virtual £15/$15 per session or £115/$115 for 8 Sessions


Mobility Training Programs for Everyone


Chronic Pain, Illness & Disorders

Chronic pain can limit your abiltiy to function in daily life. The right training program can help you regain control of your pain, though! I have experience training clients with Endometriosis, POTS, EDS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Hypermobility, Rhumatoid Arthritis and more. Training sessions are tailored to your specific needs with modifications closely monitored. Improvements to mood and decreases in pain can be seen in as little as one week!


Mobility Training 

Do you find it difficult to get up off the floor, reach high places, get up the stairs or just feel stiff overall? Full body mobility training can help you improve functions of daily living! Mobility programs utilize a variety of stretches and movements that open the joints and increase range of motion. The results make it easier to get around while giving you more independence and freedom of movement. Progress can be seen after the first session!


Balance Training

Full body mobility training includes balance training. Perhaps you find it hard to walk in a straight line or notice that you stumble or fall quite regularly. Do you often utilise a wide foot stance to stand or need to grab on to hand rails to go up and down the stairs? Balance training will improve your center of gravity by enhancing the stability of the core, ankles and hips that function as your body's support. Improvements can be seen in 4 weeks!

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